5 Best Online Resources To Learn about Cord Blood Banking

Are you expecting a new baby and interested to learn about cord blood banking? Here are some of the best online resources to help you get started:

Parents Guide to Cord Blood Foundation

The Parents Guide to Cord Blood Foundation is founded by Dr. Frances Verter, PhD. It is the best known and most respected advocate for new and expectant parents seeking to learn about saving their baby’s cord blood. It also provides a wide list of public and private cord blood banks, both local and international.

Save the Cord Foundation

Expectant parents who are faced with the dilemma of whether to bank their baby’s cord blood or donate it to help others will find Save the Cord Foundation website useful. Parents will find here unbiased information in saving the cord blood.


Babycenter.com has created a unique series of articles that will help expectant parents get started on learning about saving the cord blood at birth.


Expatwoman.com forum is helpful if you want to ask other parents about cord blood banking. Most members are friendly and they will give you advice based on their personal experiences in storing their baby’s cord blood with a private cord blood bank.


The Cells4Life stem cell case studies provide updated news and clinical reports about stem cells. Cells4Life is one of the largest cord blood bank in the UK that offers a comprehensive stem cell banking options to expecting parents in the UK, Middle East and other parts of the world. Cells4Life currently have more than 150,000 cord blood samples in storage, collected from over 52 countries worldwide.

Trying to learn cord blood banking can be overwhelming, but remember that you don’t need to take in all information at once. It is better to start researching early so you can take your time and really think about your choices before making any decisions.

Want to learn more?

Here are some useful articles to help you get started in learning more about storing your baby’s cord blood at birth:

Why Save the Cord Blood at Birth (even if you are from a healthy family)
10 Umbilical Cord Blood Facts Expecting Parents Should Know
FAQ: What Happens to My Child’s Cord Blood Sample if I Bank it Privately?
Expecting Parents’ Guide to a Successful Cord Blood Stem Cell Banking
What are Your Cord Blood Stem Cell Banking Options with Cells4Life?

Cells4Life Middle East:
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