5 Early Signs of Pregnancy

A good number of women get early signs of pregnancy, especially those that consistently monitor changes in their bodies. However, it is important to point out that pregnancy symptoms vary from one woman to the other. Here are the most common early signs of pregnancy to look out for.

1. Spotting and Cramping

This sign manifests a few days after conception has taken place, from 6 to 12 days after fertilization. The observant woman experiences spotting and possibly, cramping as the fertilized egg finally makes its way to the uterus and gets attached to the wall. The spotting is also known as implantation bleeding. Sometimes, this light spotting is mistaken as the start of menstrual flow but it is not.

2. Missed Period

If your menstrual cycle is regular, a missed period is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. In some women, light flow is observed while in others, there is not even the slightest stain of blood.

3. Fatigue

All of a sudden you begin to feel exhausted after a little task. This sign is attributed to the rapidly increasing levels of hormone in the body. It makes you want to take a nap every now and then, especially in the first trimester.


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4. Food Aversions

This is another early sign of pregnancy that a lot of women experience. Suddenly, your nose dictates what your mouth takes in. The coffee aroma that you once enjoy is now repulsive. You can’t stand the smell of spices that would usually not lack in your cooking. It’s all normal.

5. Nausea

For some women, this sign starts as early as a couple of weeks after conception, for others it starts after they have missed their regular period. Although it is called morning sickness, you can feel nauseous all day long. However, it subsides by the end of the first trimester.

Apart from these signs listed above, other early signs of pregnancy include mood swings. As the pregnancy progresses, you begin to make frequent visits to the bathroom. You could have all, more or just a few of these symptoms. If the nausea makes it extremely difficult for you to hold down any food, you can see your doctor for advice. You should also stay away from oily food and eat more of dried meals (like toasted bread) and little liquid.

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