5 Ways to Support Your Wife after Having a Baby


Men can’t mind read. Fact. As frustrating as it can be, it’s an unfortunate part of life. This also means that in those crucial few weeks after birth, it can be tear-your-hair-out-frustrating that as husband and wife you just don’t seem to understand each other. But there are someimportant ways that as a husband you can support your wife after having a baby, and we’re going to cover the top 5 here.

Give her the attention she needs

The birth of a baby is incredibly draining both physically and emotionally. Things are now different and your wife is now spending all of her day nurturing a tiny life form. As rewarding as that sounds, she’s going to feel somewhat exhausted, stressed out, worried, anxious and everything all else all at once. One of the best ways to support your wife after having a baby is to show her you care and be supportive; allow her to get some sleep, let her know that she’s loved, help out a little more with some of the chores.

Help out

It might seem like an obvious one but it’s likely you’re going to be shocked by how little of the house work has been done, how most of the meals you’re eating at the moment are prepaid and microwaveable. Your wife is going to be feeling a mixture of emotions on a daily basis and she’s going to need you to help her feel more in control – that pile of laundry that hasn’t been done on the last week will be driving her just as crazy as it will you.

Maintain perspective

A hard day in the office is nothing compared to being the mom of a newborn. Now before you jump up in outrage, think about it. Yes the office includes infuriating clients, annoying employees, terrible bosses and everything in between, but being at home with a newborn baby is hard in a completely different way. That’s not to discredit the amount of effort you put in but remember to keep your hardships in perspective and sympathise with your wife when she’s feeling worn down.

The little things matter

Supporting your wife after having a baby doesn’t mean big sweeping gestures, but is something that you can do through smaller everyday tasks. Giving her comfort when she feels worn out and frustrated or cooking dinner when she feels exhausted will make a big difference to her morale and also make her feel appreciated. Being a mom can be a thankless task at the best of times and so showing her that you really do care and appreciate everything that she does will go a long way to showing her you care.

Image is everything

After having a baby, a women’s self-confidence can plummet. Bouncing back to their previous, confident and vibrant self can be hard – harder for some than it is for others – and so a little extra support on self-image is going to be needed. Women worry about all sorts of things when it comes to self-image and now they have a new array of issues to add into the mix; stretch marks, post-baby belly and those newly formed tired eyes. Being able to support your wife after having a baby is about making her feel good about the way she looks – you would be surprised how much influence you have on this. Don’t be shy with compliments, constantly re-affirm your love for her and help her realise that you still find her attractive and sexy.



Cells4Life Middle East:
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