6 Tips to Reduce Parenting Stress during the Coronavirus Pandemic

It goes without saying that Covid-19 has caused an increase in stress in all of our lives. However, for parents it has been a whole new world of anxiety, worry and stress. The trouble is, when you are a parent, whatever you feel your kids are going to pick up on and a stressed parent can mean stressed out children too.

With this in mind, you are going to do whatever you can do to try and reduce your own stress. Easier said than done of course. To help you to feel more like your normal self, we have put together top tips for reducing parenting stress during the Covid-19 outbreak.

Take your mind off of it all

It can be hard to forget what is going on around the world, however, sometimes you just need to do what you can to take your mind off of it all. This could be baking a cake, sewing or perhaps just soaking in the bath. Whatever you can do to forget that there is a whole lot going around in the world, make sure that you can make time for it.

Get out in the garden

Gardening is often underestimated as a way to spend your time. This is a real shame as gardening can actually be a great way to stay active and to reduce stress. Not only does it mean that you are outside, but it also means that you have the reward of knowing that you had a helping hand in growing something that every single member of your family can enjoy.


Go for a run

Being active and exercising is very good for your body and mind. Not only does going out for a run get you out of the house and keep you active, but it means that you have a spot of time for yourself. This can be hugely valuable to you as a parent and means that you can clear your mind.

Dance around and be silly

Your kids are going to see you being stressed out and whilst they know that there are bigger things going on in the world, they still don’t really understand this. Sometimes it is a good idea to just let yourself go, dance around and be silly. Not only will this remind them that you are not always stressed out, but it is also a great release of your pent-up stress too.


Read More:
Simple Ways to Help Keep Children Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Parenting in a Pandemic: 5 Tips to Keep the Calm at Home
How to Protect Your Newborn during the COVID-19 Outbreak
4 Tips for Coping with a New Baby During COVID-19


Talk to your friends

You are not alone in the way that you are feeling right now, there are plenty of people out there that are feeling exactly the same. Perhaps even closer than you realise. Make time to talk to your friends, see how they are getting on. They might not have any advice to help you out, but it will help to share your problems and know that other people are going through the same.

Work out a plan

Finding it hard to get everything done during the day? Trying to balance home-schooling with working and still being a parent? If you are then you might find that sitting down and taking the time to make a plan is what you need to remove some of the stress. Knowing what you need to do and how much time you have to do it, that can really help you to feel more prepared and ready to face the next day.

It is important that you take care of yourself as a parent, as well as your children, during these difficult times. If you are feeling stressed out, then you need to do what you can to change it and get yourself feeling better and ready to face this brand new world.



Cells4Life Middle East:
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