7th Child Provides Cord Blood Stem Cells to Save Older Sibling

In 2021, we’ve seen a huge amount of success with stem cell treatments using umbilical cord blood stem cells. As we go into the new year, it’s only set to increase! As more and more people realize the immense benefit of cord blood banking, the chance of improving health drastically increases. We fully expect even more success stories in the coming year. If you’re not convinced, Mohammed’s story illustrates the importance and the success of this kind of treatment.

Mohammed’s Story

Today, Mohammed is 22 years old. He’s currently attending university and hopes to become a teacher to make a difference in the world. But the future hasn’t always been so bright for the young man.

Cancer at 6 Years Old

At the age of 6, Mohammed began suffering from a mysterious illness. His gums became inflamed, he had terrible fever during the night, and eventually, he began to suffer convulsions as a result of his high temperature.

Doctors performed many tests on Mohammed, but no definitive diagnosis was given. Eventually, a doctor in a different city discovered that the level of platelets in Mohammed’s blood was extremely low.

He was referred to a hospital in yet another city for further tests, where they finally gave his parents the devastating diagnosis—Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML).

AML is a type of cancer that affects the bone marrow, resulting in the body producing abnormal red blood cells. Because the body uses the red blood cells for so many functions, those suffering from this type of cancer can’t fight infections in the body, have trouble getting bleeding to stop, and even struggle to breathe properly.

Failed Treatment

Mohammed started chemotherapy treatment in December of 2006, at a hospital in Yazd, 800 km away from the comfort of the family’s home. For close to 2 years, he endured treatment, which further wiped out his immune system and left him feeling exhausted and sick.

At this stage, the doctors realized that chemotherapy wasn’t going to cure Mohammed of his cancer. They suggested to his parents that he be transferred to Shariati Hospital in Tehran for a stem cell transplant.

But there was another unexpected blow to the family. After testing, none of the family members were a bone marrow match for Mohammed.

This meant that none of them could donate the bone marrow that could save his life. Even a search of the umbilical cord blood bank database couldn’t find a match.

Losing hope, the family was forced to continue with Mohammed’s chemotherapy, until an unexpected thing happened.

An Unexpected Miracle

One day as the family was visiting Mohammed, a nurse warned his mother to avoid coming too near to the radiation wards if she was pregnant. In surprise, Mrs. Ghalandari replied that she wasn’t pregnant… Or at least, she didn’t think so.

However, as it turned out, she was. This presented a huge opportunity for the family and Mohammed—the new baby may be a match, although there was also a chance of zero match.

On the day of baby brother Benyamin’s birth, his umbilical cord blood was collected and rushed to a laboratory for testing. Human Leukocyte Antigen testing usually takes around 3 weeks to complete, but due to Mohammed’s deteriorating condition, the doctor pushed the lab to speed up testing.

And to everyone’s surprise and joy, there was a match!

The baby’s blood was found to be below the standard volume for cord blood transplants, so it was supplemented with another, non-matched blood. Mohammed underwent the transplant (in reality, a double transplant), and waited for the results.

Full Recovery

As you know, today, more than a decade later, Mohammed is healthy, happy, and thriving. There’s been no more hints of cancer in his system. He’s been able to grow up, go to school, attend university, and play sports just like the rest of his peers—if not better!

Mohammed is not only an inspiration, but he’s also a symbol of the huge success that cord blood banking is capable of. Without the cord blood stem cells from his baby brother, this story may have had a very different ending.

In Conclusion

Mohammed’s story took place more than a decade ago. Cord blood stem cells treatment was not even as advanced as it is now! Imagine what more could be done, what other diseases could be treated, and how many lives could be saved today.

Don’t wait. Cord blood banking saves lives, and who knows—it may save your child’s life, your spouse’s life, or even your own one day.

Reference: https://parentsguidecordblood.org/en/news/7th-child-provides-cord-blood-save-older-sibling

Cells4Life Middle East:
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