8 Annoying Toddler Habits and How to Deal with Them

Ah, the toddler years. These are some of the most cute and adventurous years of your parenting career.

Toddlers have huge emotions that they don’t know how to deal with. They are amused at the tiniest things and can even start to be more affectionate and lovable, but also very angry or sad. For this reason, toddlers should come with a warning label. Along with the fun and giggles come some annoying habits that your kid may start to exhibit on a daily basis.

1) “No!”

Yes, your toddler will say no at one point. The idea is to try not to say no from early on, when they are crawling and exploring. Instead of saying no, try to re-direct them to another item or toy. You will be surprised how well this works.

2) Being Independent

You will have some instances where your toddler will insist on doing something by their self, like washing their hands and brushing their teeth. You should try to let them do as much as possible, but also know that sometimes you may need to ask them if you can help. If they say no then you may just have to try next time.

3) Eating

You will go through many battles with your toddler to get them to eat right, but the main thing is to make sure you find healthy things they will like and as their taste changes you can add more things to their diet. Learn more about how to establish healthy eating habits for your toddlers.


Read More:

Tips for Helping Your Toddler Sleep Early

How to Encourage Your Toddler to Eat Vegetables

7 Toddler Behaviour Problems Parents Shouldn’t Ignore


4) Yelling

Your toddler is getting more vocal will often yell and scream while playing. Just remind them to use their inside voice when necessary. They are still learning manners and such, so you may have to quiet them in public.

5) Talking Back

Like mentioned before, your toddler is more vocal now. He or she has been learning how you talk to them and they may start talking back when you ask them to do something. You should never yell at them, or your toddler could start showing anger and frustration at this.

6) Inquisitiveness

Sometimes it is cute when your toddler gets all up in your business and wanting to know what’s going on. Other times it may get a little annoying like when you are trying to cook and they grab a chair and bring it to the stove. Be patient and remember they are still learning how the world works.

7) Climbing

Toddlers tend to climb everything and it’s only natural that they will fall every now and then. You have to be repetitive in telling them climbing can cause them to fall and you should re-direct whenever possible.

8) Grumpiness

Remember, your toddler may be tired when they are acting grumpy and upset. Always try to keep your toddler on a good routine and schedule. When you have something planned and you and your toddler will be going out or doing activities, it is always imperative to have them well rested and their belly full. A hungry and/or tired toddler equals a grumpy toddler!


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