Best Ways to Survive Summer Pregnancy

A summer pregnancy can be especially hard to deal with. This is due to the fact that pregnant women have increased blood flow and bodyweight, which results in higher body temperatures. Combine those higher body temperatures with a hot summer and it can be close to unbearable. Here are some great tips to help you get through pregnancy during summer:

Drink a lot of fluids

Pregnant women should be vigilant about dehydration. Because a pregnant woman’s body is hotter, they dehydrate faster in the summer heat. Drink a minimum of 2 litres of water per day, more if you are in the heat and losing moisture through sweat.

Get creative with the kinds of drinks you have and integrate vitamin rich fruits like mango and oranges. Smoothies can also be very nutritious and have a cooling effect. Load up on the ice to keep your beverages ice-cold and refreshing.

Avoid swelling

Pregnancy-related swelling can contribute to heat distress. Avoid salt because it can worsen swelling associated with pregnancy. Also put your feet up as much as possible to reduce swelling in the lower extremities and take any rings off your fingers. If you are required to take a rest for a few weeks or months, here’s a guide to help you survive the bed rest boredom »

Dress well

Choose light-coloured clothing made from natural fibres. Cotton and linen are both great choices for the summer months. They can help you avoid heat rashes that sometimes develop around the breasts and belly.

Swimming and showers

Swimming is a fantastic way to not only cool off, but to take the load off your back. If you don’t have easy access to a pool or beach, take more frequent showers and baths to cool off.

Frequent cool locations

On the extremely hot days, treat yourself to a movie or go shopping. Take advantage of the air conditioning in shopping centres to cool off.

Be careful with exercise

Some expecting mothers are determined to do the things they used to before becoming pregnant. It is fine to continue with most forms of light exercise while pregnant, but make sure you do so in the coolest parts of the day. You could also switch to performing exercises in the water by doing a water aerobics class. Try out these other simple exercises for pregnant women »

Get out of the kitchen

Step away from the hot stove and instead start BBQ-ing and eating more salads in the summer months. Also take a look at the kinds of foods you are eating. A large heavy meal will worsen heat stress compared to a light salad. Here’s more list of foods you should to eat during pregnancy »


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