
In a world where everything is digital, it can be difficult to create a real connection with your child, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible, just perhaps a little more challenging. Today we’re going to look at some great ways to connect more deeply with your child.

Make time to play

Taking the time out of your busy life to connecting physically with your child will go a long way to building meaningful connections. Running around or playing a sport together are great ways to emotionally boost your child.

Make sure you listen

Listening to your child vent their emotions lets them know that you’re emotionally there for them. Don’t try to fix things or stop their feelings, by being the shoulder to cry on, you’re giving them the emotional support they need.

Tell stories

Children want to know about you, your upbringing, your childhood and getting to know you as a person both now and when you were their age. Tell your child stories about you, about their grandparents, what your favourite things were as a child and as many details about your life as possible. These stories will help you to find ways to connect more deeply with your child.


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12 Inspirational Quotes for Parents
Simple Ways to Raise a Compassionate Child
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Tell the other kind of stories

It’s not just personal stories that your child craves but bedtime ones too. Taking the time to read a bedtime story will help your child to feel loved and cherished.

Tackle the big questions

Finding ways to connect with your child more deeply starts with building an irreplaceable relationship. Talking about the big questions openly with your child can help grow that connection and foster a deeper level of trust between you. Don’t avoid any of the big topics, tackle them however you see fit, but it’s important that you do confront them.

Don’t let things get in the way

Allowing small arguments and family rifts to get in the way of the relationship you have with your child could be damaging in the long run. It’s important to make sure that your child knows you’re not going to let things come between you.


All relationships require time. They need to be nurtured and built upon. If you’re looking for ways to connect more deeply with your child then you will need to keep working at the relationship despite the daily challenges of modern life.

Relationships don’t appear out of nowhere, combining all of these top tips to help nurture the bond you have with your child will ensure a long and healthy relationship.

