
Saving Endangered Species with Frozen Stem Cells

Researchers at the University of Georgia are developing a novel way to preserve species that are under threat of extinction…

Cells4Life Middle East

Interview with Matt Farrow: The 1st Cord Blood Transplant Recipient

The Parent's Guide to Cord Blood Foundation have published an interview with Matthew Farrow, who was the world’s first cord…

Cells4Life Middle East

Young Woman’s Condition Improved after Receiving Own Adult Stem Cells

A twenty-three year old woman who was suffering with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis and a disorder known as dysautonomia was…

Cells4Life Middle East

Baby’s Grapefruit-Sized Tumor Cured by Cord Blood Stem Cells

Parents are now realizing the value of saving the umbilical cord blood of their children or donating it to a…

Cells4Life Middle East

Stem Cell Research Hints at Evolution of Human Brain

The human brain and its cerebral cortex are made up of several billions of neurons that have been wired into…

Cells4Life Middle East

New Insights on the Lifelong Impact of Gut Stem Cells on Your Health

Gut stem cells can be put right in front when formulating preventive strategies in health care and in understanding risks…

Cells4Life Middle East

How Does the Future Look for Regenerative Medicine?

Since the past six decades, stem cells derived from bone marrow have been used in the medical world as a…

Cells4Life Middle East

Using Cord Blood Stem Cells For Hearing Loss Treatment

Stem cell research is progressing at a rapid pace, with new breakthroughs occurring on a regular basis.  There are dozens…

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Clinical Trials Using Cord Tissue Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells

There are currently a number of scientific trials underway, investigating the medical properties of umbilical cord blood-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells…

Cells4Life Middle East

How Transplant Using Stem Cells May Help Cure Cancer

High doses of chemotherapy and radiology are used to treat most forms of cancer. While they can kill cancer cells,…

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