Common Parenting Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

Instinctively knowing how to be a parent is something many new parents take for granted, and can be quite shocking when you discover that you and your partner have very different ways of doing things. You may come to a point when you realise that what you’re doing just simply isn’t working. And that’s okay. Taking inspiration and advice from some of the leading industry experts is no bad thing. Today we’re going to look at some of the most common parenting mistakes and what you can do to avoid them.

Too much praise

It can seem quite silly in the short term but studies have suggested that too much praise can make a child dependent on it and this can then mean that they will expect it. Becoming motivated by praise could lead to your child being less happy when they’re older or living in fear that they won’t live up to your expectations – more specifically, praise such as ‘you’re clever’ can encourage this kind of behaviour.

Keeping your child too busy

When a child gets bored, their behaviour can become almost unbearable. However a common parenting mistake is to combat this by ensuring they’re always busy. Never allowing them to get bored can lead to them becoming burned out. Additionally, if you’re child never gets bored, they will never learn how to entertain themselves and gain some form of independence. By allowing your child to get bored, you’re enabling them to embrace their creative side and find a way out of the boredom, an important trait for later in life.

Pushing academics too much

Encouraging your child to do well at school is very different from placing a heavy emphasis on the importance of academics. For parents who push too hard, this can have a positive impact on their child but more often than not, many children become crushed by the burden of consistently underperforming when measured against their parents’ expectations. There are other consequences of this kind of parenting mistake that includes leading to an increase in anxiety and the potential to nurture an arrogant attitude toward those who aren’t as academically advanced. Here are some tips to encourage your child to learn » 

Punishments can be harmful

Using punishments might work in the short term but fear tactics and shunning can have long-lasting effects. Children who are punished regularly could eventually comply with requests simply out of fear. This can have a damaging effect on the relationship between parent and child that could be irreparable. This kind of behaviour can also encourage resentment toward a parent and although these tactics work to begin with, eventually they won’t. Here are some tips on how to teach discipline to your child » 

Giving your child everything

A common parenting mistake is to give your child whatever they want. Pandering to your child’s every whim can be a dangerous parenting tactic and won’t accustom your child to loss. Protecting them from these kind of experiences can lead to your child lacking respect and understanding. Overindulgence can also lead to children believing that happiness comes from acquiring what they want and this in turn also encourages addictive behaviour.



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