How to Protect Your Newborn during the COVID-19 Outbreak

When you have a baby there are going to be lots of things that you are likely to start worrying about, after all, you are in charge of this tiny little life and making sure that nothing harms or hurts it. In everyday life this is going to be enough to make you worry; however, with a global pandemic all around us, then chances are that you are even more worried than normal.

To help to put your mind at rest and to help to show you that there is plenty that you can do to take care of your little one at these challenging times, we have put together our guide on how to make sure that your newborn is safe during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Is Covid-19 dangerous to babies?

In the most part, every study that has been completed on Covid-19 has shown that children, regardless of their age, seem to have in a much milder and easy to recover from. That said, if the child is under the age of 1, particularly newborn infants, then they don’t have quite as well developed an immune system as older children and therefore might have it in a slightly more severe form.

What can I do to protect them?

Newborn babies are at most risk of catching any infection that they can get from their parents or from other family members. This means that you need to protect yourself in order to protect your child.

Adhere to the social distancing rules

Social distancing is there for a reason, it is designed to ensure that we, as people, are protected from the threat of Covid-19 and that, in turn, we also protect those who are most vulnerable and at risk of having severe symptoms of Covid-19.


It is really important that you as parents adhere to the social distancing rules, keep your distance if you do need to go out for exercise and, if you can, arrange for deliveries of your groceries rather than go out and going shopping. You need to also say no to any visitors coming to see you, it will be hard, but this will go a long way to protecting your little one and you too.


Read More:
4 Tips for Coping with a New Baby During COVID-19
Parenting in a Pandemic: 5 Tips to Keep the Calm at Home
Cells4Life Sister Company, Stabilitech, Joins the Race for Covid-19 Vaccine
UAE Stem Cell Therapy: Revolutionary Treatment Helps Covid-19 Patients


Clean as much as you can

A great way to protect yourself against Covid 19, as well as keeping your distance, is to clean as much as you can. In particular your hands, you need to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water is the best way to clean them. However, if you are out and about then you are going to want to use an alcohol based hand sanitizer on your hands if you have touched a surface that could in some way be contaminated.

It may also be a good idea to clean your child’s toys as much as you can. It is a good idea to use a sanitiser on them, although be mindful that you need to use products that are safe for children to come into contact with.

The most important thing is to keep calm; sure, things are going to feel stressful and you may be anxious about looking after your baby. However, with you they are safe and as long as you follow the rules that are set out, then you should all be safe.


Cells4Life Middle East:
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