Most Frequently Asked Questions about CellsPlus Cord Blood Storage

Early this year 2017, we have introduced our latest cord blood storage service called CellsPlus. And here are five of the most frequently asked questions by expecting parents about this new service.

1. What is CellsPlus?

CellsPlus is our latest cord blood banking service powered by TotiCyte, a new blood separation technology developed and patented by Cells4Life. This ground-breaking technology approved by the Human Tissue Authority (HTA) is exclusive to Cells4Life!

TotiCyte removes 99% of red cells within the cord blood, based on the dilution of two solutions universally used in cord blood banking ― DMSO and Dextran. TotiCyte delivers 3 times more viable stem cells post thaw than any other cord blood processing technology.



2. What is the difference of CellsPlus from other services we offer? 

This comparison infographic will help explain the main differences of CellsPlus from other cord blood storage services we currently offer:

Learn more about our services:
CellsPlus Powered By TotiCyte
Whole Cord Blood Storage
Cells (Volume-Reduced Storage)
+Cord Tissue Storage


3. What are the storage options for CellsPlus?

With CellsPlus, you have the option to store the cord blood sample from 20 up to 60 years! CellsPlus allows up to 6 sample subdivisions which are stored in 2 separate geographic locations in the UK for more security.

Aside from Cells4Life’s normal £10 million insurance policy, we also have additional business continuity insurance to cover the costs of moving your sample to another licensed storage facility in the unlikely event of a corporate failure.


4. How much does CellsPlus cord blood storage cost?

Cells4Life offers cord blood banking services to UAE and other parts of the Middle East. Visit our pricing page to find out the cost of CellsPlus for UAE and other countries »


5. What is the process of signing up to CellsPlus?

The process of signing up to CellsPlus cord blood storage is similar to other services we offer. Once you made the decision to sign up, our cord blood banking specialist will meet with you to hand the storage agreement which you need to fill out. After making the initial payment, you will receive the collection kit which you need to bring with you to the hospital on the day of your delivery.

When your baby is born and the cord blood sample is collected, you will need to call us so our cord blood banking specialist can assist you in booking for medical courier pick up. The collected sample will be shipped to the Cells4Life lab in the UK where it will be tested and processed. Finally, the sample will be moved to the storage labs for cryopreservation.

You will receive an email and SMS notification of the initial testing results within 2-7 days from when the sample is first received at the lab. Then when your sample is in storage and the balance payment is made, you will receive a printed certificate and the original copy of your storage agreement.



Speak to one of our cord blood banking specialists ― 971 4 3116613 or send us an email


Cells4Life Middle East:
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