Newborn Feeding: 10 Essential Tips on Bottle-Feeding for New Mums

Although many mums will insist on breastfeeding their baby, it’s not always the best option. There is a high number of new mums that struggle to breastfeed successfully, or prefer to bottle feed for other reasons. Whatever you decide, this article is going to provide you with 10 top tips for newborn feeding with a bottle.

Hold them close

Just because you’re not breastfeeding doesn’t mean you can’t bond with your baby. When you’re bottle feeding, hold them close and maintain eye contact to let them know that they’re safe and loved.

Pick the right formula

Just because the supermarket is selling a particular formula, doesn’t mean that it’s the right one for your baby. Identify the sugar source and additional ingredients to determine whether or not it’s any good for newborn feeding. Speak to your doctor for more advice.

Reduce the number of people doing the feedings

It’s important to know that you don’t have to do all the feedings on your own. It’s just as important for your partner to do some of the newborn feedings but don’t let everyone get involved. Minimise those doing the feedings to a select few to maintain consistency.

Switch sides

Just as you would when breastfeeding, swap sides to help with your baby’s neck and vision. This will also help you to feel more comfortable. Either swap during mid-feed or every other time, whichever is more natural.

Stay relaxed

Create a comfortable and relaxed environment for newborn feedings. This will help you to bond, particularly if you can include skin to skin contact at the same time.

Don’t microwave

You shouldn’t microwave your formula as this can create ‘heat spots’ that you won’t be able to detect with the usual temperature test on your wrist. Gradually warm their milk up in some warm water or under running water.


Read More:
6 Tips to Eating Healthy While Breastfeeding
Guide to Handling Colicky Baby for New Moms
Essential Tips to Taking Care of Newborn Twins


Position them right

Be sure that during newborn feeding time your baby is not lying flat but at a comfortable propped up position that allows them to suckle.

Take breaks

It’s important to take burp brakes during newborn feeding time. Not only does this allow them a short rest, but it will also help them to determine whether or not they’re full. If this requires you to interrupt them suckling, then so be it.

Get cosy

Just as it’s important to stay relaxed, it’s also important to get cosy. This isn’t always going to be possible as, chances are, at some point you’re likely to be out and about during at least one feed. If you can create a cosy and comfortable atmosphere at home, this will help your baby to feel relaxed.

Prepare for night feedings

By the time you’ve managed to organise the formula, warmed up the milk and found the bottles for a night feeding, both you and your baby are going to be feeling wide awake. Avoid this by preparing what you can. Warm up some water specifically for the feedings and keep it in a thermos to keep it warm.



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