October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

October signals the beginning of the annual Breast Cancer Awareness Month for women internationally – and we’re taking a look at why it’s so important that ladies all over the world should be participating.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month was founded back in 1985, and the aim has always been to encourage more women to go for regular mammograms, as well as helping them to recognise the signs and symptoms of breast cancer. Ladies raising awareness about breast cancer throughout October traditionally wear a pink ribbon, and many take part in sponsored events in order to raise vital funds for cancer charities.

Why is breast cancer awareness so important?

Put simply, raising awareness about breast cancer can save lives. Before Breast Cancer Awareness Month, some women weren’t sure what the symptoms of breast cancer were, and many were unsure about what they should do if they suspected they might be suffering from the disease.

Now, with the help of the internet and the fantastic awareness-raising efforts of millions of women across the world, many ladies have a much deeper understanding of breast cancer, and what they should do if they think they might have it.

By making everyone aware of the signs and symptoms, and by raising money for cancer researchers and support charities, Breast Cancer Awareness Month plays a vital role in reducing the number of women who suffer from this illness every year. Estimates by experts state that, if research continues to be funded, and awareness continues to be raised at the rate its currently progressing, no one will suffer from breast cancer by the year 2050.

How can I raise awareness of breast cancer?

In order to help raise breast cancer awareness as part of this important month in the calendar, you can start by educating yourself on the types of breast cancer, as well as the symptoms that might appear if cancer has developed. You can also learn how to check your own breasts for lumps and any of the other signs that can develop, including:

  • Dimpling or puckering of the skin on the breast
  • Change in nipple direction
  • Rash or crusting around the nipple
  • Strange discharge from the nipple

You can also join in a multitude of fundraising events that are undoubtedly taking place in your local area throughout October. Perhaps you and your friends will put on a bake sale or garage sale, with all proceeds going to a cancer charity. Perhaps you’ll help a local charity by handing out leaflets on the street, or maybe you’ll push yourself with a sponsored run, swim or cycle, to help raise important funds that will be contributed to cancer research.

Whichever way you choose to get involved, it’s important that you do. Countless lives have been saved thanks to raising breast cancer awareness all over the world – but the task is not yet complete. Wherever you are in the world, pledge your support to raising breast cancer awareness today.



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