Researchers Working With Stem Cells To Treat Diabetes

A group of researchers from the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes are developing a new treatment using stem cells that could cure Type 1 diabetes.  The treatment gives diabetic patients brand new insulin-producing cells, curing them of the condition.

One of the researchers involved in the project is David Ramirez.  David is also a Type 1 diabetic who was first diagnosed 21 years ago.  To combat his condition, David checks his blood sugar levels regularly, eats a very specific diet, and exercises every day.  He hopes that this stem cell research project will finally cure his condition. 

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition that causes the body’s immune system to attack and destroy beta cells found in the pancreas.  Beta cells are responsible for producing a hormone called insulin, which regulates the amount of glucose in the blood.  If a person has an insufficient level of insulin available, their blood sugar levels can become very high, which is potentially life threatening and can lead to some serious long-term health conditions.

The researchers are using pluripotent stem cells, which are capable of differentiating into many other types of cells, including muscles, bone, brain, and skin cells.

Scientists can control the type of cell that a pluripotent stem cell turns into.  In this research, they are prompting the stem cells to turn into beta cells that can produce more insulin within the body.

The researchers are also looking at ways to protect new insulin cells as they make their way into the patient’s pancreas.  If they can perfect this new stem cell therapy, it may lead to a permanent cure for Type 1 diabetes.

Source: Researchers Working With Stem Cells To Treat Diabetes


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