Simple Guide to Sleeping Well During Pregnancy

As your bump starts to grow, it’s going to become an increasing challenge to get a good night’s sleep. By following the tips in this article, you will finally be able to sleep well during pregnancy.

Keep cool

This is going to be a constant battle throughout your pregnancy, whether you’re trying to sleep or simply going about your day to day business. The increased blood flow in your body is going to play havoc with your body temperature, so it’s important that this is something you’re prepared for.

Being too hot can make it hard to go to sleep. Try opening a window, buying an air conditioning unit or change the pyjamas you’ve been wearing to bed. Perhaps invest in a fan. Whatever you can do to lower your body temperature is sure to help you sleep well during pregnancy.

Refrain from long naps

Taking 30 or 60 minute naps during the day is fine, especially if you’re feeling particularly run down, but try not to oversleep. Too many naps, or naps longer than 60 minutes, could really impact whether you get to sleep at night.


Most mums will be advised to exercise regularly during their pregnancy. In fact, doing some yoga or even light cardio exercise will help you to sleep better at night. But be sure that you do your exercises early in the day. Exercising later can affect your sleep pattern as your body hasn’t had enough time to properly wind down.

Minimise worry

Worry can have a big impact on whether you’re able to sleep well during pregnancy. Allowing worrying thoughts to consume you is not going to be good for you or the baby, and will also keep you up at night. Try keeping a piece of paper by your bed, and get into the habit of writing down all your worries. Once you’ve written them down, put them out of your mind.

Get out of bed if you can’t sleep

If you can’t sleep, rather than just lying there, get out of bed and move around. Reserve your bed space for sleeping, so if you can’t sleep then do something else. Although it may seem a great idea to go on the iPad, resist the urge as an electronic screen is likely to keep you stimulated and prevent you from getting to sleep.

Try walking around, or reading a book, until you start to feel drowsy and then go back to bed to try and sleep again.

Try different positions

If you find yourself tossing and turning, unable to get comfortable or fall asleep, then try a different position. Experiment with adding additional pillows to help elevate your arms and legs. If you’re falling asleep in one position, but waking up in another, then you need to re-assess the position you lie in to fall asleep. If you prefer lying on your side, then try tucking a pillow between your knees. This will also help to alleviate pressure on your sciatic nerve and is a great tip for sleeping well during pregnancy.



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