Tips to Make Your Newborn Comfortable in the Summer Heat

Keeping your newborn comfortable is important, especially if you want them to sleep well. So far, you’ve probably read all the guides on how to do this and have a good idea on the basics, but how do you make your newborn comfortable in the summer heat?

Choose lightweight clothes

Choosing the right clothes will have a big impact on how comfortable your baby is. And it’s fairly common sense to say; don’t wrap your child up in thick wools when it’s summer. Try and choose loose fitting cotton clothes – cotton is great for absorbing perspiration as it’s a natural fibre. A good way to look for signs: dress your baby the way you are dressed. If you’re in shorts and a t-shirt, then your baby should be too.

Use a fan

When it comes to sleeping at night, one of the best ways to make your newborn comfortable in the summer heat is by lowering the temperature of the room. You can do this by installing a fan which is also great for a background sound and may even help to lull your child to sleep.

Another method is to hang wet towels up in the room. The water that evaporates will stop the air from becoming too dry and also cool the room.


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5 Newborn Sleep Facts Every New Parent Should Know


Find shade

If you’re out and about, make the most of the shade. A pram can get very hot very quickly so be sure to keep an eye on the temperature there. If you go out to the park or somewhere with a lot of shade, be sure to utilise it as best you can.


In order to make your newborn comfortable in the summer heat you need to monitor the amount of liquid they’re drinking. Keeping them hydrated is incredibly important and will help stop them from feeling irritated or overheated.

Look at for signs

There are a number of signs that you can look out for to know when your baby is feeling uncomfortable and too hot. Tiny red bumps can start to form in little clusters around the groin area, the back of the knees, on the neck or on any part of the body where there are folds of skin, like the creases in the elbows.

To combat this, change the outfit your baby is currently wearing. Swap it for a loose fitting cotton garment, or let them just wear their diaper if you prefer, and use cornstarch on the affected areas.

Additionally you should avoid using massage oils if possible as these can cause skin irritations. You can still perform a massage, just do so dry to avoid the risk. This isn’t to say you can’t use oils at all, but make sure it’s properly washed off at bath time.

When it comes to making your newborn comfortable in the summer heat, there is a lot to remember, but your parental instincts will help a lot and you’ll soon find yourself in a routine of what does and doesn’t help your baby feel more comfortable.



Cells4Life Middle East:
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