The Reality of Cord Blood Banking: Debunking Myths

The decision to collect and store your baby’s cord blood is a big one. You want to make sure that you are making the right choice for your baby and whole family. But there are so many myths out there about what cord blood banking entails. We’re here to set the record straight on some of these common myths and misconceptions!

MYTH: Collection cord blood can affect delivery and take blood away from the baby.

Cord blood banking does not interfere with the delivery process at all. Cord blood collection is a quick and easy procedure that takes less than 15 minutes once the baby is born. After clamping and cutting the umbilical cord, your doctor or midwife will start collecting the cord blood. So, we are using the leftover blood from the umbilical cord for cord blood banking. This process does not take any blood away from your baby – in fact, it’s actually beneficial for them!

Watch Video: How Cord Blood and Cord Tissue Samples are Collected

MYTH: Cord blood is rarely used in medical treatments today.

Another common myth about cord blood banking is that it’s not an effective treatment option. Cord blood has proven to be effective against over 80 medical conditions including leukaemia and lymphoma. There are some treatments approved by the FDA as well. And more than 40,000 cord blood transplants have been performed worldwide. Cells4Life has released cord blood samples for treatment of conditions such as cerebral palsy, leukaemia, autism, and more. Cord blood stem cells are also a subject of many on-going clinical trials.

Click here to see the list of medical conditions that can be treated by cord blood stem cells.

MYTH: Cord blood stem cells may not match my family.

Your family can benefit with cord blood banking. Your baby’s cord blood is 100% match to your child. There is 25% chance of being a perfect match to their siblings. And there is a 75% chance of being compatible for transplant. The world’s first cord blood transplant was done in 1988 to a young boy with Fanconi Anaemia – using his newborn sister’s cord blood stem cells. Cord blood is also always 50% match to the parents and there is 25% chance of being compatible for transplant.

Your baby’s cord blood will go to a public bank if you choose to donate it. Anyone who needs a stem cell transplant can use your sample if they are compatible with the patient. There is also no assurance that you would be able to access it in the future if you need it.

Yet, if you decide to store your baby’s cord blood privately, you have an exclusive access to these valuable cells. This means that your baby’s cord blood stem cells are only available for use by your family members. And it is available immediately should you need a stem cell transplant.

At Cells4Life, you can store your baby’s cord blood in many subdivisions. This enables parents to use a part of the cord blood as needed. And then keep the remaining in storage until required for use.

MYTH: All cord blood banks provide the same service.

Most cord blood banks will do offer umbilical cord blood and cord tissue services. But the type of technology they are using to process the samples can have an impact on how you can use your baby’s stem cells in the future. This is particularly true for processing the cord blood. Some of which can lose up to 80 or 90% of the stem cells in your baby’s cord blood sample at the point of treatment.

The number of viable cells is crucial before a stem cell transplant. Because it determines both the size and weight of patient that a sample can be used to treat. And the number of therapies that a single sample could be used for. The more stem cells retained in your baby’s sample, the better.

Cells4Life have developed CellsPlus using TotiCyte, our patented cord blood processing method. This ground-breaking technology delivers 2.2 to 3 times more stem cells at the point of treatment than other cord blood processing methods currently available in the UK – After your baby’s cord blood sample has been processed, stored and thawed. As explained above, this could be critical to the usability of your baby’s stem cells.

Watch Video: CellsPlus Powered by TotiCyte

Currently, more than 7 million cord blood samples in private storage worldwide. Cord blood banking is an important decision to make for expecting parents. One that requires plenty of research and information. Don’t let myths like these stop you from making an informed choice about cord blood banking!

For more information on cord blood banking, talk to one of our specialists at +971 4 3116613 or send us an email.

Cells4Life Middle East:
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