The Importance of Choosing the Right Cord Blood Bank to Save Your Baby’s Stem Cells

If you have made the decision to save your newborn child’s umbilical cord blood at birth, the next step is to find a reliable and reputable cord blood bank. Choosing the right cord blood stem cell bank is particularly important because they are handling a biological asset that may someday save your child’s life. This article will discuss the importance of choosing the right cord blood stem cell bank and provide some advice for how to do so.

Your child’s cord blood stem cells are extremely valuable

The stem cells from the cord blood are used to treat over 85 different life-threatening diseases including various forms of cancer, auto-immune diseases, blood disorders, and metabolic disorders.

Researchers believe that cord blood stem cells may be used to treat many more illnesses and injuries in the future including heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, spinal injuries, musculoskeletal injuries, multiple sclerosis, diabetes and much more.

Read the latest Clinical Report on how cord blood is being used to treat many conditions »

Preserving your child’s cord blood stem cells gives them access to a priceless biological resource which may someday save their life.



The cord blood stem cells may be in storage for a long time

Stem cells from the cord blood may be in storage for many years before being used. Your child may not suffer from an illness that requires stem cell therapy for 10 or 20 years.

As more stem cell treatments are developed, the chances of your child requiring their cord blood stem cells also increases. It is important to find a provider who is stable, has been in business for many years and has a strong track record for storing stem cells over long periods.

Learn more about the odds of using the cord blood stem cells »

It is important that the stem cells stored remain viable

Umbilical cord blood sample must be processed and stored in a specific way to remain viable. After the birth of your child, the cord blood must be extracted and packed appropriately before being quickly transported to the laboratory for testing and processing. The cord blood sample must be processed according to strict guidelines and stored in a cryogenic system with various contingency plans in place.



If the cord blood is transported too slowly, not processed correctly or not stored correctly, the sample may be severely damaged. In some cases, parents have only discovered that the sample is not viable years later, when their child desperately needed it. You can increase the safety of the sample by using a reputable cord blood bank provider that is experienced and fully licensed.

Useful tips in finding a reputable and professional cord blood stem cell bank:

There are several important factors to consider when choosing a private cord blood bank, including:

1. How long have they been operating?

Look for a cord blood bank that has been in operation for many years and has developed strict procedures for handling cord blood. Experience and stability matters, when it comes to cord blood banking — don’t choose a company that is a new entrant to the market and has only been in business for a couple of years. After all, your child’s stem cells may be in their possession for decades.

Cells4Life has been providing stem cell banking services since 2002 and have more than 150,000 cord blood samples in storage.

2. Are they managed by experts?

A cord blood bank should have a strong management team with experience and high-level technical knowledge. If the storage facility is not managed by scientists that have an in-depth knowledge of stem cell technologies, find another cord blood bank. The cord blood bank should have strong policies for how they decide upon which technologies to use and how their processing methodology is devised.

The co-founder of Cells4Life, Dr Jeff Drew, is the developer of the company’s proprietary. He has 18 years of experience in microbiological, cancer, gene therapy and genetic research. Dr Jeff has developed Cells4Life’s TotiCyte Technology – a ground-breaking cord blood separation technology patented and is exclusive to Cells4Life.

3. Do they have strong testing, processing, storage, and security policies?

You should examine the cord blood bank’s policies for the safe transportation, processing, and storage of umbilical cord blood. The cord blood bank should be very forthcoming with these policies and be able to explain why their policies are world’s best practice.

The cord blood bank should also have a variety of emergency and security procedures in place. Ideally, they will divide the sample and store it in 2 separate storage locations. They should also have procedures for power outages, natural disasters, and accidents. All cord blood banks should be highly secure environments with advanced security features in place.

Cells4Life offers storage in two (2) geographically separate storage laboratories in the UK. This provides more security for samples stored. Every lab equipment is electronically monitored and has integrated back-up system in place. Cells4Life storage labs are both licensed and purpose-built, with fire alarms and security pads on all doors.

4. Do they offer a range of cord blood banking services and options?

The cord blood bank should offer a range of services including:

  • Dedicated medical couriers to collect the cord blood
  • Multiple storage techniques
  • Umbilical cord tissue storage
  • Multiple storage locations and the option to have additional sample divisions
  • Fast retrieval and free transportation of the sample to the transplant location
  • Cord blood insurance and more

Cells4Life offers the most comprehensive range of stem cell services in the UK and the Middle East. By choosing a company with a wide variety of services, you will have more flexibility for how the cord blood sample is processed and stored.

Three (3) cord blood services with different processing techniques:

  1. Volume-reduced cord blood
  2. Whole cord blood
  3. CellsPlus (powered by TotiCyte)

And three (3) additional services for more treatment opportunities:

  1. Cord tissue storage
  2. Placental cells storage
  3. Amnion storage



5. Do they have the appropriate certifications?

You should make sure the cord blood bank is licensed with the Human Tissue Authority (HTA) for the transportation and processing of tissue. This gives you the certainty that the cord blood bank knows how to handle cord blood appropriately.

Ideally, the cord blood bank should also adhere to the NetCord-FACT standard. NetCord-FACT is an accreditation agency that deals with all aspects of cellular therapy and cord blood banking. Adherence to this standard means the facility will collect, process, and manage cord blood samples correctly.

Cells4Life storage facilities are licensed by the Human Tissue Authority (HTA) and accredited by the American Association of Blood Banks. Cells4Life is also the only private cord blood bank in the UK to meet the requirements for NetCord-FACT accreditation.

Choosing the right cord blood bank is important and easy to do if you ask the right questions. Contact us today to discuss the best plan for preserving your child’s cord blood stem cells – 971 4 3116613 or send us an email.


Cells4Life Middle East:
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