May 15 - Summer Activities to Avoid During Pregnancy

Being pregnant doesn’t mean you have to lock yourself away from the world, but there are certain activities which should be avoided. This is particularly true during the summer months when many of these common activities occur. Here are some summer activities to avoid during pregnancy, or to be undertaken with great caution.

Certain Summer Sports

It can be dangerous to take part in certain sports, particularly during the second and third trimester.  Avoid any sports that may include a risk of injury. That includes sports you wouldn’t immediately suspect are dangerous — touch football, soccer, basketball, volleyball, hockey and gymnastics. Any sport where a projectile is involved or there is potential for player collision should be avoided. Here are some simple exercises that you can try during your pregnancy »

Horseback Riding

Horseback riding is a favourite activity of many women, particularly during summer. Unfortunately, there are a number of risks associated with horseback riding while pregnant. The risk of falling from the horse or being thrown is enough for most people to avoid horse riding. However, there is also a risk that the abrupt movements while in the saddle can cause placental abruption. That is a serious pregnancy complication when the placenta prematurely separates from the uterus.

Afternoon Drinks

One popular activity in summer is drinking a few alcoholic beverages as the sun goes down. For pregnant women alcohol can be very dangerous. Drinking even small amounts of alcohol has been linked to a higher risk of miscarriage or stillbirth, developmental problems and low birth weights. Instead, have an ice-cold fruity cocktail without the alcohol. You should also limit your caffeine intake during your pregnancy »

Bike Riding

A favourite summer activity for many people is going on long bike rides. Unfortunately, women should avoid bike riding after their first trimester because their centre of gravity will have changed and accidents are far more likely. If you do decide to cycle, take it slow and choose routes that don’t have too much technical difficultly — use footpaths and not steep trails!

Some Water Activities

You should avoid scuba diving while pregnant. This is because your unborn baby may suffer from decompression illness even if you take precautions against suffering from it yourself. Fetal blood circulation does not go through the lungs, so any gas bubbles that form while scuba diving cannot be filtered out though the airway.

You should also avoid sitting or swimming in very warm water because it can cause you to overheat.  So avoid hot springs, very warm heated pools and Jacuzzis. Avoid active water sports like surfing, wind sailing and waterskiing because there is potential for fall damage that may harm your baby.


If you are already quite fit, running can be fine in moderation during the first trimester. However, it should be avoided from the start of the second trimester. In summer it can quickly cause you to overheat and become dehydrated, which puts your baby at risk. Instead, try a brisk walk early in the morning or late in the afternoon when the temperature is cooler.

Getting a Tan

While many people avoid lying in the sun for extended periods because of the associated cancer risk, there are another set of risks for pregnant women. Tanning can very quickly cause dehydration and overheating in pregnant women. A pregnant woman is already hotter than the average person, due to the additional pregnancy weight and changes her body is undergoing. Adding a strong source of heat can be a recipe for disaster because it can quickly make you overheat.

Some studies have suggested that folic acid levels (an important nutrient needed by a developing baby) can be impaired by too much sun exposure. Stick to the shade, wear lightweight cotton clothing in light shades and avoid going outside in the hottest part of the day.
