April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about this neurodegenerative disorder and highlighting the latest advancements in therapies including stem cell treatment.
Rock star and TV personality Ozzy Osbourne has experienced significant improvement after undergoing stem cell treatment for Parkinson’s disease.
Ozzy, known as a metal icon, has traveled to Panama for this treatment. In an interview, his daughter Kelly shared that after just one round of stem cell therapy, his symptoms have begun to lessen.
“Seeing the progress that he’s made after one treatment of stem cells is mind-blowing. He wants to be active again, wants to engage with the world, and his mobility and speech are notably better. His symptoms are diminishing, and he’s regaining muscle strength,” Kelly said.
Ozzy was diagnosed with Parkin 2, a very rare genetic form of Parkinson’s, in 2003. In a TV appearance earlier in 2020, he disclosed his battle with the disease.
Following the stem cell treatment, Ozzy expressed eagerness to resume activities outside his home. However, the global pandemic has interrupted his progress. He is among the 145,000 individuals in the UK living with Parkinson’s disease, underscoring the urgent need for breakthrough treatments.
How Stem Cell Treatment Help with Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease results from the degeneration of nerve cells and a decrease in dopamine levels. Dopamine is crucial for transmitting signals in the brain that control body movements.
Insufficient dopamine that leads to uncontrolled movements is one of the most common symptoms of Parkinson’s. Patients may also experience loss of smell, sleep disturbances, and depression as the disease progresses.
Current treatments only alleviate symptoms without addressing the root cause. Stem cell therapy shows promise in replacing lost dopamine cells, a feat no other treatment achieves.
Stem cells possess the unique ability to replicate and differentiate into specialized cells, potentially replacing damaged ones. Researchers also use stem cells to produce diseased neurons for studying the disease and testing treatments.
Can Stem Cells Cure Parkinson’s?
Currently, Parkinson’s disease cannot be cured. However, available medications and treatments are effective in managing its symptoms, offering patients a better quality of life. Promisingly, ongoing clinical trials utilizing mesenchymal stem cells sourced from umbilical cord blood have shown notable potential in alleviating symptoms and improving overall well-being.
These trials represent a ray of hope in Parkinson’s research, as they delve into innovative approaches to address the underlying causes of the disease. By tapping into the regenerative capabilities of stem cells, researchers aim to develop more robust and lasting treatments. While further research and trials are required to fully evaluate the long-term efficacy and safety of stem cell therapies for Parkinson’s, they mark a significant advancement in the pursuit of a cure for this debilitating condition.
Clinical Trials Using Stem Cells for Parkinson’s Disease
In 2019, the International Stem Cell Corporation concluded enrollment for a clinical trial targeting moderate to severe Parkinson’s disease. Stem cells were injected directly into affected brain areas. Initial results from a six-month analysis indicated safety and no serious adverse effects.
Preclinical studies also demonstrated the safety and efficacy of neural stem cells in improving motor symptoms and increasing dopamine levels in animal models.
Ana Sandoiu, (2019) “Parkinson’s: How stem cells can help repair the brain”, Medical News Today, available at:
Henchcliffe and Parmar, (2018) “Repairing the Brain: Cell Replacement Using Stem Cell-Based Technologies”, available at:
Clinicaltrials.gov, (2020) “Parkinson’s stem cell clinical trials”, available at:
Parkinsons, (2020) “Our Stem Cell Research”, available at:
Catarina Silva, (2019) “ISCO’s Phase 1 Trial Testing Neural Stem Cell Therapy Completes Patient Enrollment”, available at:
International Stem Cell, (2019) “A single arm, open-label phase 1 study to evaluate the safety and tolerability of isc-hpnsc® injected into the striatum and substantia nigra of patients with Parkinson’s disease”, available at:
Clinicaltrials.gov, (2020) “A Study to Evaluate the Safety of Neural Stem Cells in Patients With Parkinson’s Disease”, available at:
Closer Look at Stem Cells, (2019) “Stem Cells for Parkinson’s: Therapy and Tools for a Neurological Disorder”, available at:
https://www.closerlookatstemcells.org/2019/04/01/stem-cells-for-parkinsons-therapy-and-tools-for-a-neurological-disorder/ Rishma Dosani, (2020) “Ozzy Osbourne makes “mind-blowing progress” after Parkinson’s disease diagnosis”, available at: