
Parents are now realizing the value of saving the umbilical cord blood of their children or donating it to a public stem cell bank. To understand the real meaning behind this encouragement, you will have to go through the story of a baby that suffered with a tumour in her kidney that was as large as a grapefruit. This baby was cured by cord blood stem cells.

The story is about the Pages family. The wife went through a normal pregnancy and when the daughter was born, she was seemingly healthy. After a fortnight, the parents noticed that the baby was crying much and was uncomfortable. When the baby was about three months old, the mother noticed that the stomach of the child became distended. This brought them to an emergency room and the tests showed that there was a big-sized mass blocking the baby’s kidney.

A decision was taken by the Pages that they would go through with a stem cell transplant. It is not an easy decision because not all parents have their own bank supply of cord blood and it is always tough to find a good match. Despite the tumour being aggressive, Harlow, the baby was cured by cord blood stem cells. Things started to look up for the child after the stem cell transplant.

Cord blood stem cells are more effective than the average cells. Umbilical cord blood is now being used routinely as an alternative source of allogeneic transplantation for children and adults suffering with cancer. A little proactive thinking could help you get cured by cord blood stem cells.

Source: Cord Blood Cures Baby’s Grapefruit-Sized Tumor
