
Cataracts are the most common cause of blindness or vision loss for individuals over the age of 40. There are more cases of cataracts worldwide than of glaucoma, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy combined.

Most cataracts are due to age related changes in the lens. Although, there are other factors that can contribute to the development of this common eye disease. Some of these factors include diabetes, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, drug abuse, and eye inflammation.

Find out more about the signs and symptoms of cataracts >>

The direct cause of cataracts has not been identified just yet. When an individual develops cataracts, there is cloudiness in their eye. Because of this cloudiness, the light rays do not pass through the lens to focus on the retina. The individual can suffer from vision impairment. This may eventually lead to blindness if it is not treated or repaired early enough.

Here are a few steps for cataract prevention:

No Substance Abuse

Everyone is extremely aware of the dangers that come along with smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, and taking illegal drugs. However, many people do not know that these choices can really hurt your eye health, too. All of these risky decisions can increase your chances of getting cataracts. There is nothing wrong with drinking responsibly. Just make sure you are drinking alcohol in moderation. Excessive use can create other health problems, as well.

Good Nutritional Habits

Various research shows that those with diabetes are more likely to develop cataracts. It is important to maintain a healthy blood sugar level in order to reduce the risk of getting diabetes. For your overall health, a good diet with a sufficient amount of nutrients should be a top priority.

Visit Your Eye Doctor Regularly

Even if you have flawless vision, it is important to regularly visit the eye doctor. Routine visits allow your eye doctor to look for signs of cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and other vision disorders that could seriously affect your life. Early detection of an eye disease may save your sight! Spending the extra time and money to go visit your eye doctor will be worth it.

Protect Your Eyeballs

One of the potential causes of cataracts is overexposure to ultraviolet light. In order to reduce your likelihood of getting cataracts, it is important to avoid being exposed to strong, bright light. Wearing UV-protection sunglasses is a great step in the right direction. These sunglasses are able to protect your eyes from becoming damaged by overexposure. They will also help you see better— now and in the long run.

Scientists are constantly working to find new ways to treat cataracts. They are even working on using stem cells found in the cord blood to treat cataracts. It is important to protect your eyes. Since cataracts are so common, you will more than likely to meet or know someone that is directly affected by this disease. Taking these preventative steps will help reduce your chances of suffering from eye diseases.
