
Cord blood stem cells treat more than 80 different conditions, including some forms of cancer, metabolic disorders, immune system disorders and blood disorders. One of the rarer blood disorders that cord blood stem cells treat is called Diamond-Blackfan Anaemia.

This form of anaemia is a disorder of the bone marrow which makes the marrow incapable of producing enough red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body and returns carbon dioxide to be exhaled.

People with this form of anaemia can suffer from some horrible side effects including physical anomalies, droopy eyelids, fatigue, pale skin, eye problems, kidney abnormalities, and structural defects of the heart.

In the case of a child named Dillon Low, it became apparent that he had this form of anaemia soon after he was born. Dillon required a blood transfusion within minutes of being born because he did not have enough red blood cells to supply adequate levels of oxygen to his body.

Dillon spent a significant amount of time in hospitals, receiving blood transfusions and having tests performed. Unfortunately, he grew quite weak and doctors were worried about his prognosis. 

Doctors told Dillon’s parents about the possibility of using a stem cell transplant to treat Dillon. Dillon’s mom, Carol, gave birth to another child and doctors kept the stem cells from that child’s umbilical cord blood. These stem cells would form the basis of a treatment for Dillon. 

The stem cell transplant allowed Dillon’s body to produce more healthy red blood cells. His Diamond-Blackfan Anaemia was completely cured and Dillon can now go on to enjoy a healthy life!

Source: Cord Blood Stem Cells Treat Diamond-Blackfan Anaemia
