
When a woman is in natural labor, it may seem like there is nothing on earth that could help ease her pain. Fortunately there is. Read further to find out what you can do to ease labor pains:

Take a look at these tips to ease labor pains:

During your pregnancy, you should decide what kind of pain management you will have when the big day comes. If you decide to go naturally, there are some ways to get you through the contractions.

One effective way to ease labor pains is to use heat therapy. You can use a heating pad, or a rice sock. Anything that will help relax the muscles better. Heat on the back, shoulders, hips, and even the buttocks can help ease some of the pain of early labor and many women often take a warm or hot bath in these early stages as the contractions can feel like strong cramps.

Another way women find relief during labor is through massage. Often, women will have their partner massage their hips and back while they are laboring. Besides the physical implications of massage, this can also help with distraction.

Speaking of distraction, this is another method for early labor. Some women will take some cards along for the first couple hours of labor. Pregnant women who labor at home will take walks or swim, or just watch TV. It all depends on your preference, but distraction is a great tool.

Aroma Therapy has also been used in recent years to help calm and relax the laboring woman. This was actually used in ancient times as well. Some believe that the calmer a woman is during labor, the less pain she will feel. There has been a lot of research on this.

Positioning and movement are probably the most effective ways to ease labor pains. Sometimes it feels better for a woman to walk around while she is laboring or get in a certain position. Kneeling on all fours can greatly reduce the pressure of the baby on the pelvis. This is one of the many different positions women use.

There are also labor balls that women use to either rock back and forth or they bounce on it. Leaning on the ball is helpful too.

Many women like to use music to soothe as well. Some bring their own mixes or CD’s to the hospital and some just turn on the radio. Music is a great way to relax.
