
Are you having trouble getting your child to be interested in learning? Does your child get upset when you want them to do exercises or learning activities? You are not alone.

Many parents are having this exact issue with their child. There are ways to manoeuvre and utilise their need to play and explore. You don’t have to force your child; they will actually want to learn.

There are numerous activities and games that are fun and they teach children lessons in maths, reading or science. They may even learn some manners along the way, and how to be more creative and imaginative!

So, read on for effective ways to motivate your child to learn…

The first thing we should remember when teaching our children is that we must stay calm. Getting frustrated only makes your child frustrated. You should never yell or scold your child if they do not understand what is being presented to them. Your child may distance themselves from the situation. Most parents don’t even know that they are being too harsh. So, just evaluate how you are relating to your child when you are trying to get them to learn. They will be more receptive if you are patient and make it fun! In fact, if you give them praise specific to them, your child will WANT to learn.

The best thing you can do is use their interests as a way to get them involved and engaged in the learning process. Every child has something they are interested in, even if they are 1 or 2 years old. Pay attention to what your child is drawn to and you will find your leverage. If your child is interested in a certain thing like trains or cars, then use those interests to teach them different things. Help them count their cars or if your daughter likes princesses, give her a book on counting that has princesses. More often than not, you can find some form of whatever it is your child is interested in. The idea is to make them forget that they are learning because they are engaged in the activity.

You can also allow them to use online tools and games. These resources are great to start with, especially with children today. You may have noticed that most children now, are very tech savvy and can often operate a cell phone with no trouble. Some children are solely interested in gadgets and technology. This is a great opportunity to use those gadgets to your advantage. There are many websites that are learning for a small fee or even free. You can always find security features in a learning program either online, or in a game. If you cannot, you shouldn’t probably use it.

One great way to make sure your child is learning and making progress is to be very repetitive. Repeat words and ask them if they can say it, or ask them about small details in a picture or you can ask them questions that would really make them think critically, age appropriate of course. It would be best to start doing these things as early as possible for better retention. You will see how your child is retaining more and more every day.

Remember, your child is born to learn. They are learning how to be adults themselves one day, and you are their teacher. We have to teach them how to survive and interact with others. You must always keep them busy, or you will have a restless kid on your hands and that is a recipe for disaster. If you always keep your child engaged in play and learning, then you are inviting your child to learn every minute of every day.

Motivating your child to learn is not hard to do if you just make it fun. Allow them to explore and get messy. If you always do interesting and engaging activities, your child will be willing to participate in something new. They will trust your guidance. This may be easier said than done, but have faith that it will be well worth it. Some days you may have to choose your battles when getting your child to learn. Everyone has bad days, so be patient with your little one and if they seem overwhelmed, allow them to have a break. They could have a snack or go outside for a minute and you can always come back later.

Using these strategies and techniques will assure your child that you are not pressuring them and you understand how they feel. This is important because you need to develop a trusting relationship when it comes to learning so that your child is confident to explore, guess and estimate. If you encourage them and show them that it is ok to make mistakes, they will be less prone to getting emotional during lessons and activities.

Thinking critically is a major need of a child, and if your child is having trouble or getting upset when it comes to learning or activities, you may need to find some resources that can help you understand your child better.

Websites and community organisations can be a great help for learning troubles, or for children who may have had a rough start. You should try changing the way you are presenting information first and then seek help if that is not the problem. One thing is for sure, learning shouldn’t be stressful for a young child, so be sensitive to how your child feels and realise if they are getting upset. Motivation will follow once your child knows they can freely explore.
