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Preparing for the arrival of your baby is only natural. There is a whole host of things to consider; sleeping arrangements, bedroom, clothing and, of course, toys. Choosing appropriate toys for your baby is important in terms of safety and development.

Simply put, play is the ‘work’ of childhood and therefore it’s important to select the right toys for your child’s age in order to stimulate them and help with their development of a variety of skills. There is a wide range of toys on the market – more now than ever – but that doesn’t mean they’re all a good choice. Here are some tips to bear in mind when it comes to picking out toys for your baby.

Textures and shapes

Choose toys that will help your baby to explore different textures and materials. Choose different colours, weights, flexibilities, smells, shapes and anything that will help to stimulate your baby’s senses.


You might be surprised to learn that there’s a whole host of toys lying around your house without even realising it! Empty boxes, egg cartons or old cereal boxes are all great items to consider when choosing appropriate toys for your baby. Once cleaned and recycled, they provide endless hours of play.

Involve water

Water is a great toy and one that will fascinate your baby for hours. Tubs of water accompanied by some spoons or cups are guaranteed to leave your baby soaked but only after hours of fun. This is a great idea for when it’s hot outside; lay out a towel in the shade and enjoy the heat with them.


Choosing appropriate toys for your baby is all about ensuring the toy’s purpose and then whilst your baby is having fun, they’re learning too. Good toys are generally durable, versatile and provide a number of benefits to your baby. Improving motor skills is normally high on the agenda and many shop bought toys will accommodate this.

Choose wisely

Many parents often spend a fortune on a whole host of toys only to discover that their baby only wants to play with a favoured few. Buying endless amounts of toys isn’t always the right solution. Choosing a select few that have a higher value will not only save you money in the long run but will also be more fulfilling for your child.


Safety is often a top concern for many parents and when it comes to choosing the right toys for your baby, this is no different. All toys will come with care advice and safety notes so it’s worth taking a look at these – be sure to avoid harmful chemicals and take note of the recommended age group. More importantly though, be sure to actually follow care advice to maintain your child’s safety when playing with a particular toy.

