
According to studies, one of the most important periods in your child’s life is the first five years. Your child has a remarkable ability to learn from such an early age and exposing them to an educational and nurturing environment will help them learn a lot during those first few years.

Providing safe, fun-filled and stimulating surroundings will give your child a good start in their physical and mental development. Contrary to what we think as parents, playtime for children doesn’t only mean entertainment, it actually helps them learn how to adapt to their new environment as well.

Developing Self-Esteem

Developing your child’s self-esteem, social and problem solving skills are but a few examples of the benefits that can be gained through play. Believe it or not, even playing peek-a-boo with your child is actually beneficial!

Self-esteem can be enhanced if you reciprocate your child’s actions affectionately – whether they coo, burp or gurgle, smile or cry. Responding to your child with a positive reaction and with lots of enthusiasm will have amazing benefits.

Physical Development

Changing your child’s position and giving them space to move around will help him/her develop physical coordination. Putting objects and toys at a short distance away from your child and encouraging him/her to crawl or walk towards them will develop their sense of movement and mobility. Giving your child toys with different textures, shapes and colours can help as well.

Playing hide-and-seek can help your child in developing problem solving skills. Hiding a toy behind your back and encouraging your baby to find it will give him/her an early appreciation for cause and effect.

You can also try giving your child simple household duties as he/she grows older. A two-year-old child can actually start to learn the meaning of responsibility. You can teach them tasks appropriate to their age such as putting away their toys in a box once he/she is done playing with them. Don’t forget to encourage your child through positive affirmation of his/her actions.

Here are a few additional tips that can support your child’s development:

  • Visit your local library, select books that will interest your child and read them together.
  • Create simple arts and crafts with your child to help them explore their creative side.
  • Take them out for a walk on the park, let them play and interact with other kids.
  • Buy educational toys to help them develop their skills more.

Do you need professional help or advice about how to develop your child’s skills? Contact Cecile de Scally now of BabySenseDubai. Click here for more information: http://babysensedubai-gcc.weebly.com/
