
Most babies 6-12 months are able to sleep through the night without many wakeful periods where they may require your attention. At this age, babies can distinguish between different times and know that night time is sleeping time. They tend to sleep more during the night and less during the day. They have learned a lot and they stay active interacting with the environment more. Sleep between 14-16 hours per day is enough. They may sleep for 10-12 hours during the night and the rest is for naps during the day. Some however tend to sleep more.

Babies 6-12 months after learning to interact with the environment can tend to stay awake sometime during the night as they engage in different activities that keep them alert like leg and arm movements. The baby may wake up for one feed and then sleep again. However as earlier mentioned, the baby gets used to sleeping throughout the night. Babies tend to like a feed before sleep. You can introduce a dream feed, ensuring that they do not fully wake and even breastfeed them. Note that repeating the pattern every night makes your baby get used to it.

Preparing Babies 6-12 Months to Sleep

The 14-16 hours a day that your baby sleeps consists of morning and evening naps and around 10-12 hours at night. It is good to note that babies are susceptible to a number of diseases including ear infections, bronchiolitis, coughs and sore throats among others. The baby also starts teething. These infections affect the sleeping patterns of your child and once they are better, you have to manage the baby’s sleeping pattern again.

To prepare your baby for a good nights sleep, ensure that your baby gets enough sleep during the day. Start with making their mealtimes regular and have snacks during different times of the day. The baby should also be allowed to engage in lots of activities during the day. This can be enhanced by letting them crawl and encouraging healthy stimulation. This will make the baby tired and she will be able to sleep better through the night. Once the baby is tired, she will sleep early and instances of waking up for feeding will reduce.

Babies between 6-12 months of age can start recognising faces, sounds and objects. Once a baby recognises voices, some musical tones like lullabies that will sooth her to sleep. At this point, you should minimise the amount of activity that the baby is involved in. This makes the baby relaxed and leaves her with the option of sleeping. It is important to use the same sleeping pattern for your baby to ensure they get used to it.

Settling the Baby to Sleep

If the baby has shown signs that they are tired and needs to sleep, you should take them to bed immediately. The baby may start staring, rubbing their eyes and eventually crying. Continue soothing the baby with songs or sounds that they like and put them into the cot. Most babies 6-12 months like seeing someone they know close to them as they fall asleep. Stay with them and continue with a constant lullaby until they sleep. Cover them lightly ensuring that they are not too hot or cold to ensure their comfort. Note that babies 6-12 months with an ailment may sleep less or more depending on the ailment. They may also have several instances of wakeful nights. Soothing them accordingly comes handy.
